Statistics is Ubiquitous in Doctoral Studies (Psychology)

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                                       "MyStatLab by Pearson Education"

By now, you probably realize that statistics is a required course in the doctoral program you desire to pursue.  In fact, usually two or more classes are dedicated to statistical methods on the doctoral level.  So, students that are not confident in their mathematical ability should begin scoping out resources in statistics like videos, handouts, and programs that will aid you in "mastering the material."  At this level, you are expected to conduct your own research and present the findings, which includes using statistical tests and displaying the results in your publication(s).  Students that merely learn enough to pass will struggle throughout the research process because statistics is a core component to making decisions in empirical studies.  Keep in mind that many doctoral programs do not look highly upon a student obtaining a grade of C in their statistics courses.  Be diligent, begin preparation for statistics early, especially if you think that the subject is almost impossible for you to master in a semester. 

My recommendation is to use the program MyStatLab by Pearson Education, which provides an access code supplement to a statistics textbook.  MyStatLab generates numerous problems for students to practice.  What I love about this program is that it gives you immediate feedback about whether you selected the right or wrong answer.  Additionally, the program helps a student review math rules.  This is helpful when you are stuck on one step in a problem and need help learning how to solve it.  Beyond these wonderful features, MyStatLab also contains an e-book version of your textbook, videos showing how to solve different types of problems, and sometimes power point presentations with summaries of the each lesson. 

A caveat to using this program is that it will not give you an automatic A in your course. The program is only helpful when a student practices daily, if not every other day, and reads the textbook for a basis in solving the problems.  The course that I took using MyStatLab ended with some students obtaining good grades and others poor grades.  I obtained an A because I consistently practiced the problems and identified the step(s) in a few problems in which I needed clarity. 

To purchase MyStatLab, you can visit Pearson Education,, etc. to obtain the access code and/or physical textbook.  The program is made to coincide with the material in various statistics textbooks.  Browse Pearson Education website to choose a specific textbook and access code whose materials and explanations fit your learning style.

Pearson Education "MyStatLab" Link: 

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