A Neuropsychologist that You Should Get to Know

Dr. Katy Drorit Gaines, an inspirational and talented Neuropsychologist, is making headlines for her avant-garde work as the first clinician to do a radio show on Neuropsychology to a general audience.  Dr. Drorit Gaines' other professional pursuits include being a dynamic public speaker and global health/social advocate.  She currently hosts her own weekly Radio Show, "The Dr. Dee Show," on the Universal Broadcasting Network (UBN)-Tuesdays from 5-6pm (PST) on channel 2; starting in May 2015, the show moves to Thursdays 5-6pm (PST) on channel 1.

  On her show, Dr. Drorit Gaines appropriates Neuropsychology in an everyday context for the lifestyle enrichment of her listeners.  She covers topics like the connection between eating and brain function, bullying, dignity, self-worth, Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), human trafficking, sickle cell anemia, autism, dementia, addictions, and so forth. Another awesome fact about her show is that she frequently invites guest speakers to cover topics in their niche. 

 In addition to her great radio show, Dr. Drorit Gaines also works as a leader at UCLA's memory care center, professor at Pepperdine University in California, Health Science Specialist and Investigator with the Dept. of Veterans Administration, and just recently opened a private practice in Beverly Hills, a quite regal vicinage in California, USA.  

I stumbled across Dr. Drorit Gaines and now follow her weekly podcast episodes on Universal Broadcasting Network, Apple "Podcast" app, and Stitcher Radio website/app (available via PC, Mac, iPad app, iPhone app, and Android devices). If you prefer, the Apple Podcast app and Stitcher app will notify you when your favorite podcast show uploads a new episode. 

 This Neuropsychologist has really given me a lot to think about based on the topics that she covers on her show.  I would encourage all my domestic and international readers to follow Dr. Drorit Gaines or Dr. Dee on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Stitcher Radio.  Dr. Drorit Gaines is a perfect example of how to utilize the field of Neuropsychology in ways that reach beyond the four walls of a clinic, hospital, or counseling office. She has tapped into empowering, respecting, and celebrating the common man/woman, which should be a goal of every clinician and clinician in training.  

**Remember that clinicians must support each other!  Clients should not be the only ones entitled to kindness, grace, and understanding.  Let's ban together to support each other, like Dr. Drorit Gaines, in that we can better serve clients united than disconnected.  I encourage all clinicians and students in training to be respectful of their colleagues' training, work, and advocacy pursuits.

Here are some links to her Stitcher podcast episodes, UBN site, Facebook, and Twitter pages:

                           UBN Radio Sites:

   (↑ Link to view previous episodes)

   (↑Link to view the current week's episode)

                            Other Media Sites:

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